Trustees & Advisors.
James Armson
James was born in Surrey in 1970, and grew-up in Brighton. He attended the University of East Anglia where he read Pure Mathematics. After graduation James worked for a couple of years in the Finance Industry before taking the opportunity to spend 18 months travelling through India, Asia and Australasia. Upon returning to the UK in 1996, James worked in the city of London as a Risk Manager for several Investment Banks.
Following a life changing holiday to Uganda in 2004 and seeing for himself the poverty and difficulties facing the people of East Africa, James resigned as Vice President of Merrill Lynch and became a full time volunteer at Sanyu Babies’ Home; a registered NGO (Non-government organisation) caring for orphaned, abandoned and destitute babies and children.
His role at the Home included looking after the daily needs of the babies and working closely with the Ugandan staff to ensure the babies always received the best levels of care possible. He worked closely with the Ugandan administration assisting them with the Home’s financial and accounting procedures. He was also responsible for developing ‘income generation’ and ‘expense reduction’ projects to help Sanyus achieve long term self sustainability, ensuring the Home continues to provide the essential love and care for all their babies.
As time went by James also started to assist other Ugandan charities and community projects working with needy and disadvantaged children. It was at this point the idea for Mikwano Children’s Trust Uganda came into fruition.

Jenny Turner
Jenny worked for 40 years in the NHS as a midwife and district nurse. After retiring in 2006 she visited Uganda, a visit which left a lasting impression. While she was there, she visited and volunteered at several of the places that were to become our projects. She returned in 2008 and helped in the review process of some of these, and instigated some new ones. She has a special interest in children’s cancer. Jenny returned to Uganda in December 2009 and January 2010 when she continued monitoring some of Mikwano’s current projects and assessed the feasibility of some new ones.
She has visited several times, most recently in 2018.
Maureen Armson
Maureen was born and brought up in Norbury, South London and attended Coloma Convent Grammar School.
Maureen worked on the trading floor of Rothchilds Bank until leaving to start her family in 1965. She has four children and four grandchildren and currently lives in Brighton and is a semi-retired Accounts Manager.
As a mother and a grandmother she appreciates the vital role Mikwano plays in supporting some of the poorest families in Uganda and alleviating the hardships they face. As part of Mikwano she believes strongly that Education is a key factor to ensure these children break the cycle of poverty.

Becky Rainbow
Becky is a retired nurse with a wealth of experience in the health service. She has some personal experience of Uganda, as her parents were volunteers at a leprosy hospital in Kumi in the 1970s, and she visited them there with her baby son. As a result, when Jenny was planning to visit Mikwano’s projects in 2018, she decided to go with her and see for herself what Mikwano had achieved.
Following that visit Becky wanted to do something more and in 2009/10 she spent nearly 4 months at Providence Home as a volunteer, nursing and advising on health issues, teaching children and transforming the dispensary. Since then she has visited Uganda again and become a valued source of advice to the Trustees. Her opinions and experience provide a useful sounding board and Jenny especially appreciates her company and practical help on visits to Uganda.
Phil Turner
Phil was an ex Head teacher and Director of Education. From the earliest beginnings of Mikwano he took a keen interest in all of the projects and provided financial assistance and some educational advice. His health, however, meant that travelling to Uganda was well nigh an impossibility, but in 2011 he made the journey, visiting the schools and advising the teachers. It was hard for him, but invaluable to Mikwano as he saw at first hand the conditions and difficulties the schools and children faced. On returning he said “Nothing can prepare you” – even though he had seen photos and heard lots before – and that is true. In the following years Phil supported Mikwano as our education advisor.
Sadly, Phil died in February 2018.
Previous Trustees or Advisors

Rachel Turner
Rachel decided that, due to pressure of work and other commitments, she was unable to continue as a Trustee. However, she retains close links with Mikwano and is proving to be a most useful and effective advisor.
Graham Candy
Graham is a Chartered surveyor with Carter Jonas LLP based in Oxford and London, specialising in agricultural estate management, planning and development. He has recently retired from the role of Partnership Chairman and is now a consultant with the firm after thirteen years service. He has a wide experience of Charitable and Family Trusts and believes that his professional skills will assist in the management of Mikwano.
Graham is a frequent visitor to South Africa and Zimbabwe and has recently returned from Uganda and Rwanda when he took the opportunity to visit the Sanyu Babies Home and a number of primary schools.
More recently other pressures meant that Graham could no longer continue as a Trustee, but he still retains a close interest and connections with Mikwano.